The pivotal role brand plays in attracting and keeping good people

August 28, 2019

Bad bosses

Studies show that the number one reason people quit their job isn’t because of money but because of management. Specifically, their direct supervisor, whether that person is a manager, CEO, or owner.

For simplicity’s sake we’ll call them all bosses.

Now bad bosses come in all colours. Some are micro managers. Some manage by telepathy and expect their workers to read their mind. Some are bullies and abusers. Some refuse to take responsibility when it’s crunch time, despite being in a position of responsibility. Some are just plain incompetent.

But they—and by extension their organisations—all have one trait in common: they don’t have an Employee Value Proposition.

The value of value

Now you might say, ‘We devote a lot of effort to our organisational culture. But even in the best of cultures there are bound to be some bad managers from time to time.’

But whereas culture relates to the overall environment of the organisation, employee value proposition is more specific and communicates to employees why they work there and what’s in it for them.

One firm I know renovated their offices to an open plan. They thought by doing so they were creating a more friendly culture. But it had the opposite effect. Staff felt vulnerable and uncomfortable. They had nowhere to go for private meetings. They resented not being consulted about the change.

This was a perfect example of using culture to actually de-value employees.


Employees are your best brand ambassadors

Most companies think of brand as only outward facing. But your brand effects every touchpoint of your operations, and has a key role in attracting and keeping staff. 

In the same way that a brand needs to deliver on its customer promises, it needs to deliver on its promises to staff. And making payroll isn’t enough of a promise. Not anymore.

Employees need to feel a connection to the brand. They need to know what they are doing matters, and they need to be appreciated in non-monetary ways.

Companies always ask for team players, but often fail to make employees feel like part of a team. They are bullied, dictated to, left to fend for themselves. Like the workers I saw in the open office, all wearing headphones with their noses in their laptops.

When you value your employees with more than lip service in a Job Description, but with a real employee value proposition, they will be the best ambassadors for your brand.

Picture of Darren Taylor

Darren Taylor

MD & Head of Strategy and Research

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