Website design vs. UX design: they’re the same, right?

June 15, 2023

You’re a rare kind of consumer if, when you’re browsing for a new car to buy, you only focus on the practical design elements. Think about it. Suppose Your potential new set of wheels could get you from A to B safely and run efficiently. Would you care that sitting in it for longer than five minutes was uncomfortable? Would you care that the radio controls were in the boot as long as they did the job? What if that car was bright yellow, covered in pink splodges and made that annoyingly nostalgic ice cream van noise every time you drove it to work?
The truth is, it doesn’t matter how well something works if our experience of using it sucks. From IRL doors that don’t make it clear which side to push (or pull??) to bathrooms with floor-to-ceiling windows 👀, when your experience hasn’t been considered, you’re likely to run in the opposite direction.

What is website design?

Web design is the process of creating websites (duh) – including designing a site’s layout, look and feel, graphics and content. The purpose of web design is to generate aesthetically pleasing structure and content while utilising the latest developments in HTML, CSS and other coding languages.

We digress.

What is UX design?

UX (user experience) design is all about a site’s useability and ‘enjoyability’. While web design captures attention, UX design should hold it. A UX designer considers how the experience makes the user feel and how easy it is to achieve the desired result (typically engagement and conversions). To create a site that feels good to use, you need a deep understanding of your audience, their needs and their desires.

Simon Taylor is our Senior Digital Designer. “As Albert Einstein once famously said, ‘Any darn fool can make something complex; it takes a genius to make something simple’, says Simon. “Less is more is the golden rule – great UX design is about simplifying the user journey — getting rid of needless elements that allow a user to navigate from A to B without a thought”.
What does UX design involve?
UX design goes beyond aesthetics – it focuses on creating meaningful and enjoyable experiences for visitors. It ensures that every interaction leaves a lasting impression, fostering brand loyalty and encouraging return visits.

Some of the key components of UX design include:

  • Intuitive navigation: ensures visitors can effortlessly navigate and find what they’re looking for without becoming lost, confused or overwhelmed. This is especially important from an accessibility viewpoint – the site should be useable by all audiences.
  • Responsive design: is the development of adaptable interfaces that gracefully adjust to various devices to provide a consistent experience(for example how it looks on different mobile devices vs desktop screens).
  • Clear information architecture: organised content hierarchy that simplifies finding information and encourages exploration. This streamlines the user journey and allows your audience to find the information they need quickly and efficiently
  • Engaging interactions: thoughtfully designed elements that delight users, keep them engaged and motivated to explore further.

Did you know that 88% of users are less likely to return to a website after a bad user experience?

A well-crafted user experience eliminates friction, streamlines conversions and boosts your bottom line. Effective UX design drives higher conversion rates and maximises your business’s potential by understanding user behaviour and optimising your digital touchpoints.

Why we love bloody good UX design
Just like every other element of effective branding, UX design puts your customers at the heart of your strategy. By understanding their pain points, needs, and motivations, you can tailor your offerings, messaging and overall experience to meet (and hopefully exceed) their expectations. This customer-centric approach cultivates trust, strengthens relationships and can seriously set your brand apart from the competition.
Have you considered UX on your website?

Web design and UX design need to work in harmony to create an overall unforgettable brand experience. Recognising and embracing the distinction between the two can empower you to craft a holistic and impactful online presence that captivates your audience, fosters loyalty and drives long-term business success.

If you want to create a positively unforgettable experience for your customers online, you’re in the right place. At Taylor & Grace, we’re proud of our intentional, results-driven web AND UX design services that always put your audience first. Get in touch and find out how you can get started today.