Reimagined superannuation presentations drives up engagement
VicSuper, a profit-to-member superannuation fund, has a team of in-house financial planners who present a range of topics to members in seminars. Although turnouts were good, not enough attendees were making an appointment with a VicSuper financial planner to discuss their particular situation in detail.
Our client had recently undertaken a brand refresh which included a new value proposition for the fund. They asked us to ‘refresh’ their presentations in line with the new branding. After attending some presentations to experience the brand moment, we proposed changes to the presentation content and delivery beyond just a simple refresh.
As well as curating and designing new presentations in collaboration with the planners, we produced a detailed Engagement Guide. Our communications consultant was invited to talk to the planners about the elements of engagement. VicSuper responded positively to the new materials, which they say are receiving very positive feedback and play an important role in their total effort to increase responses from their members.
Collateral creation
Engagement strategy