Victorian sexual health organisation opens up the conversation for a more inclusive and specialised service offering

Sexual Health Victoria

Sexual Health Victoria (formerly Family Planning Victoria) is a primary health care provider focussing on reproductive and sexual health care, education, and advocacy. After more than 5 decades servicing the Victorian community, the organisation wanted to update their name and brand to a position that better reflects the specifics of their services and their clientele. This included expanding their positioning beyond ‘just’ family planning, to be more representative of the full spectrum of sexual health services they provide – to people of all ages, genders, sexual preferences and circumstances. They engaged Taylor & Grace to help with this, with a specific focus on the new naming, logo and master brand.

Their objectives were to establish trust and credibility, while also creating a sense of support and approachability. It was important that the new brand presented with gender neutrality and was representative to a diverse audience. Taylor & Grace crafted a new visual identity for them that built on the brand strategy work that had been done in house. The speech bubble in the logo symbolises the connectedness and importance of having conversations about sexual and reproductive health. The logo also represents a room with an open door, as Sexual Health Victoria welcomes frank discussions in a safe and taboo-free space.

Brand identity

Style guidelines

Collateral creation

Campaign Creative

Sexual Health Victoria - Ask the Experts campaign

Sexual Health Victoria approached Taylor & Grace to develop a campaign that would increase awareness of their organisation, as well as clearly communicate the new positioning established as part of their rebrand. Along with this, the key objectives were to change the perception of the current brand in a way that conveyed the organisation as welcoming, trustworthy and knowledgeable. The campaign needed to encourage their target audience to see Sexual Health Victoria as ‘the go-to sexual health organisation for young Victorians (16-25 years), no matter what their gender, concern, orientation or background.’

The ‘Ask the Experts’ campaign achieved this by opening up the narrative on the awkward questions we often ask privately of people close to us, and demonstrated the value in turning to a non-judgemental and reliable go-to source of information instead. The campaign concepts depicted individuals asking a wide range of sexual questions to inappropriate people in a humorous way. The misplaced questions warrant confused and somewhat shocked reactions from the recipients. The campaign messaging prompts the audience to consider Sexual Health Vuctoria by stating “Not sure who to ask? Ask us.” 

It all starts with a chat

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